Monday, January 25, 2010

Eating & Sleeping

Caeden has been back to his schedule of eating and sleeping. He is improving every day and looking better each day. It appears that he has grown while in the hospital. Denae and I have noticed that he has gotten longer and his legs are a little chubby now.

Dr. Lemon stopped by today and said that Wednesday will be the last day of the steroid that they are giving Caeden. Also, they should be able to remove the drain tube from his side on Wednesday. The drainage has slowed down so that is a good sign and shows that he is healing up well. If all goes well we should be able to go home Thursday or Friday. The day that we will be released will be the first blood draw that Caeden will have had since the surgery. They will measure his bilirubin levels but Dr. Lemon informed us that Caeden's levels will still be a little high because it will take longer to thin out the bilirubin.

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