Sunday, July 18, 2010


It's hard to believe now that Caeden is 7 months old! Caeden has been doing great and is a healthy little boy! Denae and I have had so much fun with him and enjoy spending every minute we can with him.

We thought we would give everyone an update on what we have been doing the past couple of months.

Caeden got dedicated to the church on Mother's day. Caeden gave his mom a shirt with his hand print on it that says, "World's Best Mommy!"

For Father's day, my Mom and Denae took Caeden to get professional pictures taken. They came out great. Denae and Caeden made a collage of pictures and framed it so that I could take it to work with me and hang it up on the wall.

Also, we started feeding Caeden baby food and just started feeding him the 2nd stage of baby food. He has liked most of everything except green beans. His dirty diapers have started to have some strong smells and we have been told that it only gets worse from here on out.

Caeden has been healthy ever since he got his Broviac tube out. He is still a very happy baby and loves to smile and laugh. He is turning over from his back to his stomach and vice versa. He looks as if he could start crawling soon. Caeden can also sit up on his own. We give him a bath every night and he just loves to sit and relax in the warm water.

Unfortunately, Denae will be heading back to work on August 12th to start teaching again. This is going to be a hard transition for us. Thankfully, we have family that is able to take care of Caeden during the day so that we don't have to take him to daycare. Denae's mom will be the main one taking care of Caeden. My mom will be taking time off as much as she can to help out as well.

We have had an incredible amount of support with Caeden and his health issues. Everyone has been great including all of the staff at Double Eagle and Dennis Chavez Elementary Schools. One of the parents of Denae's students started a donation account for Caeden's medical bills. The account is at Wells Fargo Bank. Anyone wishing to donate to Caeden's fund can go to any Wells Fargo bank nationwide and write a check in his name and it will deposited into his account.