Saturday, April 3, 2010

Home Again

The results came back from the biopsy yesterday afternoon and Caeden does not have Cholangitis. The doctor said his liver looked good.

Therefore, we were discharged from the hospital. We set up an appointment with Dr. Lemon for Thursday 04/08 to schedule the removal of Caeden's Broviac central line. Since the biopsy results didn't show anything the doctors are directing their attention to the central line as the source of Caeden's fevers. We hope and pray that Caeden can stay healthy long enough to get his line out.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that Caeden got to go home for his first Easter. He deserves to see the Easter Bunny in his own home. I am sure once they get the broviac out he will start doing so much better. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all as always. We love you very much! Happy Easter
