Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Caeden at Home

Well, it has been awhile since we have posted but we have been trying to get settled back at home. We now have a home care nurse that comes once a week to change Caeden's cap on his Broviac and also the dressing (tape & gauze) around the tube where it enters through his chest.

Denae has to give Caeden quite a few different types of medicine throughout the day. He has a total of 5 medicines that we have to give him. One of the medicines has to be given 4 times a day and a couple of the others are twice a day. Denae has been very good at administering these medicines. It has been a challenge for her due to the fact that she has to do it by herself during the day because I am at work.

We have seen Dr. Mcloughlin (GI) and Dr. Lemon (Surgeon) since we have been out of the hospital. They were both very satisfied and happy with Caeden's recovery. They took blood at our appointment and we found out after wards from the nurse that his bilirubin levels have come down drastically and now are in the normal range. The only concern from Dr. Mcloughlin was Caeden's weight. Caeden had not gained any weight since leaving the hospital. His weight just before we left the hospital was 8lbs 5oz. However, Denae went to the pediatrician today and his weight as of today was 9lbs 1oz. This was great news and means that we shouldn't need to supplement his diet at all with formula.

We go back to Dr. Mcloughlin next Wednesday and will keep everyone updated on his progress.


  1. He is so cute. glad to see everything is doing well.

  2. Oh my gosh! He is so alert. His eyes are so big and he looks so happy. I am glad everything is going so well. I can't wait to see him again. Maybe someday! Love you all, Denae you are a great mommy, and doing a great job with all you have to do. (Oh yea, Chris, good job, dude!)

  3. I love these pictures, he looks like he is two. His eyes are so big and he looks like he is telling a joke with a great punch line. I bet he got it from his grandpa Scott. (or maybe his favorite Texan, ME) Keep me posted on his updates I love them and when there aren't any I miss them so much. I know it is a lot of work for Chris, but I am worth it.
